Sunday, March 25, 2012

Accessing dataset with custom code


Need a little help on the code here. How can I import values from an RSS dataset? I will store them in a hash table and then call the function to check for dups. An example or pointer or article reference would be appreciated.


Since RSS is xml, you can use the XML data processing extension that comes with SQL Server 2005. This link has documentation on this feature:

Basically, you create a data source in report designer with type xml and specify the connection string to be the url of RSS feed. The query language it uses is similar to XPath. The doc for the query language is here:

|||Here is an example of using the Xml Data Processing extension using this forum's RSS feed as the source.

Connection String:

<ElementPath IgnoreNamespaces="True">rss{}/channel{title,link, description}/item{title, date, link, description, comments}</ElementPath>


Thanks for all the help. This stuff is pretty much new to me. I'm mostly familiar with VBA, Classic VB, and T-SQL but we'll see where this leads.

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